Think different: lingua edition

📅 Created 1 year ago 👁️ 250

🏷️ #management #lingua

🔗 Why vs. What for?

Українською: За-мовити, чи не замовити?

Contemplating in the language other than your mothertongue opens pretty interesting prospects.

Sí, señor

📅 Created 1 year ago 👁️ 206

🏷️ #management

Українською: Чому я не сокіл, чому не літаю?

The evolutionary step from Mid to Senior developer is not that obvious as from Junior to Mid.
Why? – because this transition is less technical.

This post is a cumulative answer to the question “Why aren’t I the Senior SWE so far?”


📅 Created 1 year ago 👁️ 179

🏷️ #js #ts #project

For all the old-schools, here is the Lines98 game.

New idea: pros and cons

📅 Created 1 year ago 👁️ 205

🏷️ #management

Українською: Нова ідея — критикувати vs підтримувати

Some teams encourage new ideas. The other ones tend to bury any initiative. Let’s think:

  1. What kind of teams made you enjoy sharing your concepts?
    What kind of teams discouraged you from doing this?
  2. Why?

Soft vs. Hard or "Quod licet Jovi"

📅 Created 1 year ago 👁️ 215

🏷️ #management

Українською: Soft vs. Hard, або, І бику, і Юпітеру

Let's take a fresh look onto the traditional "hard skills"-vs.-"soft skills" division.

Audio- and Video-content in ElectronJS

📅 Created 1 year ago 👁️ 214

🏷️ #electron #js #ts

A story of a really annoying bug.
Spoiler: reproducible only on production builds; locally works well 🤡

Hello world 2.0

📅 Created 1 year ago 👁️ 202

Color: what it really means?

📅 Created 5 years ago 👁️ 267

🏷️ #color #js #ts

The color is fun. But smart color is way more fun. How to work with color in smart way in JS? How to translate from human language into RGB/HSL or vice versa?

Think reactive (the code)

📅 Created 6 years ago 👁️ 236

🏷️ #ts #archive #js #rx

🔗 Think Reactive

So we finished previous part with the reference to the code of the demo (GitHub page). It’s fully working version. But let’s recreate it from scratch.

Think Reactive

📅 Created 6 years ago 👁️ 274

🏷️ #archive #ts #rx

🔗 Think reactive (the code)

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