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13 posts tagged with #management

Communication game: Criticism or Connection?

📅 Created 13 days ago 👁️ 30

🏷️ #management #communication

The disagreement can hurt.
However, it’s possible to benefit from it.

The Teapot Challenge

📅 Created 3 months ago 👁️ 92

🏷️ #humor #management

The Art of Storytelling

📅 Created 3 months ago 👁️ 80

🏷️ #management #agile #product_goal #product_vision

What do the good book and the product management have in common?
Both benefit from a good story.

Technical debt vs. Logical debt

📅 Created 3 months ago 👁️ 62

🏷️ #management #agile

🔗 Aquarium: look outside About idealism

There is another “debt” besides the technical debt. It’s a logical debt and it’s way more dangerous.

The XY problem

📅 Created 6 months ago 👁️ 66

🏷️ #management #jtbd

About simplicity

📅 Created 1 year ago 👁️ 54

🏷️ #management #agile

About idealism

📅 Created 1 year ago 👁️ 57

🏷️ #management #agile

🔗 Technical debt vs. Logical debt

Some thoughts about the “good enough” vs. the “ideal”.

Aquarium: look outside

📅 Created 1 year ago 👁️ 70

🏷️ #management

🔗 Technical debt vs. Logical debt

Українською: Акваріум: погляд ззовні та зсередини

It’s a paradox: being inside a process for a long time, we lose our objectivity. Being completely outside helps but yet we still miss what’s inside.

How shall we deal with a lack of objectivity?

Why vs. What for?

📅 Created 1 year ago 👁️ 78

🏷️ #management #lingua

🔗 Think different: lingua edition

Українською: Чому vs. Для чого?

Have you ever noticed that people tend to mess up the concepts of why vs. what for?

Think different: lingua edition

📅 Created 1 year ago 👁️ 139

🏷️ #management #lingua

🔗 Why vs. What for?

Українською: За-мовити, чи не замовити?

Contemplating in the language other than your mothertongue opens pretty interesting prospects.

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