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5 posts tagged with #archive

Think reactive (the code)

📅 Created 6 years ago 👁️ 208

🏷️ #ts #archive #js #rx

🔗 Think Reactive

So we finished previous part with the reference to the code of the demo (GitHub page). It’s fully working version. But let’s recreate it from scratch.

Think Reactive

📅 Created 6 years ago 👁️ 246

🏷️ #archive #ts #rx

🔗 Think reactive (the code)

Array methods (JS/TS)

📅 Created 6 years ago 👁️ 215

🏷️ #js #ts #archive

The instance of Array (under the hood: the Array.prototype) provides a bunch of methods for handling its content in functional way. Almost any array method can be substituted with another one.
Why? ― because JavaScript is so JavaScript.

Despite of we can, it doesn’t mean we have to. So let’s take a deeper look at array methods and decide what’s the proper use case for each of them.

Promises (part two): the legend of the lost Promise

📅 Created 7 years ago 👁️ 281

🏷️ #js #async #promises #archive

🔗 Async Javascript: tricks with Promises (part one)

There is one trick with Promises that might lead to nasty consequences: you might lose the async job. How it happens and how to avoid it?

Async Javascript: tricks with Promises (part one)

📅 Created 7 years ago 👁️ 201

🏷️ #js #promises #async #archive

🔗 Promises (part two): the legend of the lost Promise

Promises provide a pretty nice interface for async programming in Javascript.