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Audio- and Video-content in ElectronJS

📅 Created 1 year ago 👁️ 222

🏷️ #electron #js #ts

The ElectronJS provides the power of the whole web portal in a single application. The Electron app embraces the Chromium browser for the UI and the NodeJS for the backend.

The app usually contains multiple resources: HTML, JS, styles, graphics. All these resources are packed into an ASAR archive. The Electron Main process (think “NodeJS backend”) serves them to the Renderer process(es) (think “frontend”).


There is an issue of serving the audio and video content By default, it won’t be available in production builds whilst working fine on development environment.

The <audio>/<video> source URL calls return 200 😲 with no content!

How to fix it? — Long story short,

import * as E from "electron"

  scheme: "app",
  privileges: { secure: true, standard: true, stream: true }
  //                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  //                                          this does the trick

// Setup the app
// considering the resources URI to start with "app://"
const win = new BrowserWindow({ ... })
//           ^^^^^^

How it works?

The Main process creates a BrowserWindow. The BW behaves as a regular web page therefore it uses HTTP communication respecting the URI scheme syntax.

We ask the Main process to register a custom scheme app:// with streaming privileges. The custom scheme does not allow streaming by default and this delivers no content to <audio> and <video> elements. More on this in Electron process docs.

Similarly, works it with BrowserView-s (think BVs are the “tabs” of a BrowserWindow):

const win = new BrowserWindow({ ... })
const view = new BrowserView({ ... })

Note on resource URI

Designing the web page, you don’t usually need full URI including the schema (with a very few exceptions). If a part on the left of the resource URI is omitted, it’s inherited from the caller page URI:

Page URI:     app://admin/index.html
Images:       <img src="forbidden.png" />    →   "app://admin/forbidden.png"
              <img src="/user.png" />        →   "app:///forbidden.png"

In other words, if the resource path does not start with schema://, you are safe 🙂 otherwise pay attention to the schema.

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