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9 posts tagged with #js

About the variable names

📅 Created 6 months ago 👁️ 119

🏷️ #code_review #lingua #js #ts

🔗 Reviewing the code vs. Reviewing the coding style

If the bool variable name starts with a verb, the code looks more readable.

Timer app 🕗

📅 Created 1 year ago 👁️ 134

🏷️ #project #js #ts


📅 Created 1 year ago 👁️ 156

🏷️ #js #ts #project

For all the old-schools, here is the Lines98 game.

Audio- and Video-content in ElectronJS

📅 Created 1 year ago 👁️ 188

🏷️ #electron #js #ts

A story of a really annoying bug.
Spoiler: reproducible only on production builds; locally works well 🤡

Color: what it really means?

📅 Created 5 years ago 👁️ 239

🏷️ #color #js #ts

The color is fun. But smart color is way more fun. How to work with color in smart way in JS? How to translate from human language into RGB/HSL or vice versa?

Think reactive (the code)

📅 Created 6 years ago 👁️ 208

🏷️ #ts #archive #js #rx

🔗 Think Reactive

So we finished previous part with the reference to the code of the demo (GitHub page). It’s fully working version. But let’s recreate it from scratch.

Array methods (JS/TS)

📅 Created 6 years ago 👁️ 215

🏷️ #js #ts #archive

The instance of Array (under the hood: the Array.prototype) provides a bunch of methods for handling its content in functional way. Almost any array method can be substituted with another one.
Why? ― because JavaScript is so JavaScript.

Despite of we can, it doesn’t mean we have to. So let’s take a deeper look at array methods and decide what’s the proper use case for each of them.

Promises (part two): the legend of the lost Promise

📅 Created 7 years ago 👁️ 281

🏷️ #js #async #promises #archive

🔗 Async Javascript: tricks with Promises (part one)

There is one trick with Promises that might lead to nasty consequences: you might lose the async job. How it happens and how to avoid it?

Async Javascript: tricks with Promises (part one)

📅 Created 7 years ago 👁️ 201

🏷️ #js #promises #async #archive

🔗 Promises (part two): the legend of the lost Promise

Promises provide a pretty nice interface for async programming in Javascript.